Media Emerald Magazine - Edibles, Compliance and the Cannabis Industry How Baked Smart is Doing it Right 6 Cannabis Podcasts to Subscribe to ASAP Your Highness Podcast - Episode 12: Cannabis and the Opioid Epidemic Medical Edibles - Edible Marijuana Naysayers Shut Down With Safer Snack Labeling Your Highness Podcast - Episode 11: Being Proactive with Responsible Use During the Push for Legalization The Fresh Toast- How to Consume Edibles With Confidence Your Highness Podcast - Episode 9: Creatives in Cannabis Your Highness Podcast - Episode 7: Big Pharma and Cannabis Cashinbis - Edible Cannabis Products News This Week Portland Mercury - X Marks the (S)pot Your Highness Podcast - Episode 3: Getting Started in Cannabis Merry Jane - Products to Perfect the Lost Art of DIY Edibles Food Magazine - Making Edibles Will Soon Be As Simple As 'Just Add Weed' Leafly - Post-Election Interest Overwhelms Sold-Out Las Vegas Biz Show The Cannabist - Green Cross or Skull & Crossbones: On Picking the Right Logo to Mark Edibles The Cannabist - He Makes Edibles; Her Biz Creates Edible Safety Symbols MJBizWire - Cannacals™ Shape Edible Safety Conversation